Representation matters.

Photo grid of many artists at work.

Please join us by becoming a patron or make a one time donation.

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$5.00 Donation” amount=”5.00″ label=”$ 5.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now $5.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$10.00 Donation” amount=”10.00″ label=”$10.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now  $10.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$20.00 Donation” amount=”20.00″ label=”$20.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now $20.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$30.00 Donation” amount=”30.00″ label=”$30.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now $30.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$40.00 Donation” amount=”40.00″ label=”$40.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now $40.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$50.00 Donation” amount=”50.00″ label=”$50.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now $50.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$75.00 Donation” amount=”30.00″ label=”$75.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now $75.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$100.00 Donation” amount=”40.00″ label=”$100.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now $100.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

[wp_stripe_checkout item_name=”Donation to The Sweater Fish Society” description=”$200.00 Donation” amount=”50.00″ label=”$200.00″ billing-address=”true” panel-label=”Pay Now $200.00″ success_url=”” image=””]

Your gift will:

  • Build scholarships for emerging BIPOC/disabled/LGBTQ+ artists and diverse works by all artists.
  • Help us maintain our credit collective initiative CAVAA3.
  • Create quantitative analysis tools on equal representation in the entertainment industry for public use and research.
  • Help us build initiatives to promote equal representation in the entertainment industry.
  • Help an artist’s project reach the public eye when the industry has ignored their message.

Asian, Black, Indigenous,  Latino, Pacific Islanders, Disabled1, LGBTQ+, and Women artists/performers have yet to reach proportional representation within the entertainment industry, but there have been gains in specific areas, including film leads and overall cast diversity2.

Our mission is to elevate this emerging but stumbling representation, help these artists excel, and make their entrance into the industry a seamless one.

The Sweater Fish Society, Inc. (EIN 32-0507308) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax-deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. CA registration #C3940792.

For a financial report on how we maintain these services, please contact us or visit our financial budget statement.


  1. Disabled Artist:  At the SFS, after much research, we currently align with ‘identity-first language’. If this is uncomfortable, please do not hesitate to contact us with your thoughts. We’d be happy to explain why we went this direction. When working with individuals, we will always use what that person prefers, however, as a general rule, we do not use ‘person first language’ when addressing people on our website.
  2. 2020 UCLA Diversity Report
  3. CAVAA – The Central Archive for Visual and Auditory Artists

Alternate Methods

If you prefer to write a check, please make your check payable to:

Sweater Fish Society

Send your Payment to:

1968 S. Coast Hwy #4624
Laguna Beach CA 92651

Paypal QR code for Sweater Fish.
Venmo payment scan code.
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.