Companies that are moving backwards for Accessibility

A grey background with an arm in the foreground holding a hand downward with a thumbs down action. At the top, text states, stop removing accessibility, at the bottom, the Capcut logo.

Companies that are moving backwards for Accessibility

Today we’d like to introduce you to Capcut. A popular video editing software app used by thousands of people to edit their videos for Instagram, Tiktok and more.

It has a unique amazing feature to quickly add auto-captioning and many people use it because of how great it is.

Recently, Capcut took this feature and put it behind their “Pro” paywall. Now, you’re only allowed to edit two videos for free with auto-captioning and then you must have a pro account to access this tool again within the same 30 days.

We think this is a disastrous decision because accessibility should be free. Our society is already set up to make disabled people climb obstacles that don’t exist for abled people and many groups and individuals have been working hard to shave these mountains down so that all have access the way they need it. Capcut has decided disabled people aren’t worth advocating for and that’s revolting.

They can pawn off their decision to the users and shrug while saying,’ it’s not our fault the users don’t use captioning’. But is that an ethical response?

You’re removing tools that thousands of Deaf, HoH (and more) have come to rely on to access video media.

We hope Capcut will change their minds and put the captioning tool back into their free package but until then we will advocate that no one uses it.

For reference:


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