12 Aug Partner News – Able Artist Foundation
Great news for Minneapolis musicians/artists with disabilities!
We wanted to announce that our partner, Able Artist Foundation is now accepting applications for:
The 2019 Music Career Grant Program for Musicians with Disabilities
The Able Artist Foundation connects artists with disabilities on fixed incomes to companies who provide 50% discounts on their software products and services. If you’re an artist on SSI, SSDI, you’ve come to the right place.
A little history behind the grant:
Able Artist Foundation and AA Music was started by visually impaired, multi-award-winning film composer (including the EMMY-nominated film, “Beneath the Ink”), Stephen Letnes.
AAF supports musicians with disabilities who receive government assistance due to their disability. The AAF Music Career Grant Program was created to support ambitious musicians with disabilities who are looking to take their music career to the next level, but need some financial support and guidance to see where they can take their talents when more resources are made available to them.
Application Requirements:
- All Applicants Must be Members of Able Artist PRIOR to submitting the application.
- You must be located in or around the Minneapolis/St. Paul area (Counties of: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, Washington, or Wright) to be able to attend classes and record in person.**
- You are between the ages of 18 and 65 years old
- Have resume documents, music samples (mp3) and introduction videos prepared prior to submitting the application.
- If you choose the online application, you will have to have a Gmail account. Sign up for Gmail.
If you fit these requirements, apply now at: https://ableartistmusic.com
If you are NOT located in the above counties of Minnesota, and you are on SSI/SSDI (or non U.S. equivalent), you should still join the Able Artist Foundation. Benefits of this free membership include steep discounts on industry related software to help you grow as an artist.
Grant applications can be received electronically (via: www.ableartistmusic.com) or through traditional mail by 11:59pm, Monday, November 11th, 2019
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